Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hello, Posterous!

Since beginning our Blogger site, and subsequently falling in love with Twitter, Tumblr, and trying to keep up to date with our Flickr site, I have been dreaming of a place that would bring all these disparate elements together in beautiful parallel, and allow me to post once, and ONCE ONLY. 

I follow Stephen Fry's Tweets on my personal Twitter, so I was curious to find him posting on Posterous.  Did a bit of reading and here I am, seduced by the promise of easy posting to a gazillion different places at once.  Don't let me down, Posterous, and let the experiment begin!

Now if Posterous could somehow include our Modepass in its autopost feature, I should be a very happy blogger indeed.

Posted via web from 123bamvintage's posterous

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