Sunday, April 26, 2009

Autumn Story

Our friend Pony made this beautiful chalkboard animation for Newcastle band Firekites' new song Autumn Story.

It's been made indie clip of the week on Rage! WOOT!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Coraline Crafts

I'm a fan of Neil Gaiman, ever since my mate Dave forced fed me the Sandman series years ago. His children's novel, Coraline has been made into a movie and I'm super keen to see it.

You may also be aware that I'm a fan of craft. Non-sequitor this is not, because these two glorious worlds have collided.

Check out the amazing miniature knitting that was created for the movie:

Who in heck knits that small?

(found via Neil Gaiman's Twitter)

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Dear Dudes,
Been house hunting like crazy.
While on a break, dropped in at Barmuda for some vanilla rice and berries. Verdict: delicious! I hear that Barmuda is run by the same dudes who run Oscillate Wildly, which I've been meaning to try, if time would ever permit. And I'm not a coffee drinker, but my homies gave the Barmuda coffee four thumbs up, should anyone be on the lookout for decent coffee in Newtown and Campos is chockers, like it always is.

Would love to find a Sydney cafe that is as snobby about tea as it is about coffee. Any tips, let me know.

P.S. Abs and I are aware of our shop absence. Some stuff is going down and we're working on it. We have awesome stuff coming out of our ears and there is a slight bottle neck when it comes to listing them, but stuff is happening, rest assured.

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